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Skick: Originalförpackning från JollyFX.
Tillverkarnummer: 57983105675
EAN: 8596311161339
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Description of product:
Replacement display with touch glass and frame.
If your display has been damaged by a fall or is scratched or otherwise damaged, this display is an ideal choice for replacement.
LCD display type
Production technology
The H03 I display is equipped with 3D in CELL technology, which ensures fast response and a clear image.
in CELL production technology means that there is a touch, 3D Touch and LCD in one layer at the same time.
These displays are very close to the original quality, have better brightness, support TRUE TONE and 360 ° polarized display and 3D TOUCH function
The display is manufactured according to the same standards and materials as the original.
LCD Display
Touch glass with 3D touch
Frame in the color of the phone
Have the installation carried out by an authorized service center
Passar till: iPhone 11 Pro Max
Skick: Originalförpackning från JollyFX.
Tillverkarnummer: 57983105675
EAN: 8596311161339